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First Aid

Course Information

The course outlined below is the Emergency First Aid course or Appointed Persons course. We can also arrange the 4 Day First Aid course and assessment. This is a legal requirement if you have over 50 employees; 1 First Aider per 50 members of staff.

However we strongly recommend, particularly where landscaping teams work away from the office in small groups, that all operatives and supervisors have the basic emergency first aid certificate.

HSE Update 

There are changes to First Aid courses which come into effect from October 2009. These are summarise below:-

  • The 4 day first aid course will become a 3 day course, still valid for 3 years. A shorter course is possible because resuscitation protocols are much simpler than in 1981 when the regulations were introduced. Refresher courses will still be of 2 day duration at end of 3 years to maintain a certificate's validity.

  • The 6 hour or one day Emergency First Aid for the appointed persons course will be replaced by an Emergency First Aid course which will fall under HSE regulations and can only be run by HSE and QCA approved training providers. Our trainers are approved - so our courses will be valid.

  • The HSE recommend that in order to maintain skills levels, annual refrsher courses are carried out for all courses.


At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • assess situations and carry out appropriate action including informing emergency services

  • carry out artificial ventilations and chest compressions

  • place a casualty in the recovery position and know when to use this position

  • clear obstructed airways

  • control severe bleeding

  • recognise and treat shock

  • deal with chemical contamination

  • understand the requirements for a first aid kit and how to report accidents in the workplace

  • recognise and treat head injuries.

In addition, the following objectives are covered in the 6 hour course:

  • recognise and treat major illnesses

  • deal with burns and scalds

  • deal with poisons

  • deal with fractures

Who is the course for? Anyone, whether employer or employee, spouse or office staff, who has not attended a first aid course run by a recognised organisation during the last two years. 

6 hours duration 

Max: 1:12 Min: 1:2

Assess casualty
Unconscious casualty
Severe bleeding
Chemical contamination
First aid kit and reporting procedures

Head injuries
Major illnesses
Burns and scalds

Emergency First Aid at Work Certificate – wallet sized valid for 3 years
Company wall certificate if required

Venue Requirements
Warm, well lit room with adequate tables and chairs in open U, plus lighting and power points and space for practical demonstrations. Washroom and toilet facilities. 

East Kent Training


01795 890890

Website Created by East Kent Training. ©2018

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